Tuesday 30 December 2014

The Morning After, Pavilion

The deal: RM30 for RM60 cash voucher for food and drinks at The Morning After

What we got:

In contrast with TMA's other outlets in Jaya One and Ativo Plaza, the one in Pavilion, KL wasn't a proper restaurant per se, but rather a counter-cum-kitchen with tables surrounding it. Perhaps it was because of there was no proper cooking area, that the food did not turn out as good as expected.

Wild mushroom soup (RM9.90)

TMA's wild mushroom soup supposedly came with 'hints of truffle oil', but we didn't taste any, not in the slightest. In fact, the soup came really bland, lacking even the basic taste of regular mushrooms. 

Pumpkin soup (RM9.90)

Although the taste of pumpkin in the pumpkin soup was more discernible than mushroom in the mushroom soup, it still wasn't one of the better ones we've tried (my favourite is still the one from Opika).

The American Dream (RM19.90)

The American Dream a.k.a. the big breakfast, with your typical egg, beef bacon, lamb sausage, roasted cubed potatoes, cherry tomatoes, sauteed mushrooms and buttered sammie, i.e. TMA's version of a bagel. The lamb sausage, potatoes, cherry tomatoes and mushroom were good, but the bacon was rather dry. The egg, too, was overly cooked, and so came out dry and, for lack of a better word, flaky.

Mexican Baked Eggs (RM17.90)

The Mexican baked eggs came topped with baked beans, with a filling of cherry tomatoes, peppers and chicken chunks. These eggs also lacked flavour and seasoning, and the one-dimensional taste of overly-done eggs and cheese resulted in us not finishing this dish. As with every dish so far (yes, including the soups), this came with buttered sammie. We found the texture rather tough, and while it tasted all right, our mouth got tired after a while.

All in all, we were not impressed by the food at TMA's Pavilion outlet. It could be that food at its other outlets (with a proper kitchen?) may fare better, but based on this experience, we are not likely to revisit.

Tax: Service charge of 10%

How much we paid: RM32.25

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