Saturday 7 June 2014

Ayers Rock Butcher & Grill, Avenue K

The deal: RM20 for RM40 cash voucher for food at Ayers Rock Butcher & Grill

What we got:

200 grams grainfed tenderloin steak (RM58)

Located on level 3 of Avenue K, Ayers Rock was pretty quiet when we stepped in--there was only one other customer at one-thirty in the afternoon. 

I ordered the 200-gram grainfed tenderloin steak, which came with a side of potato salad and garden salad. While it may not have been translated well in the above photo, the steak turned out pretty small--just compare it to the size of the sauce bowl. I asked for the meat to be done medium; they gave it to me well done instead, with only the middle-st of the middle of the steak medium-well. While the overcooking could be due to how thin the cut they gave me was, you'd think a steakhouse would know how to get the meat's doneness right. 

280 grams premium striploin (RM48)

My partner got the 280-gram premium striploin, medium doneness, which likely due to the fact that it was thicker than my smaller tenderloin, was done somewhere between medium to medium-well rather than my medium-well to well-done. So while his steak didn't suffer from overcooking as much as mine did, we both faced the same problem--the meat lacked flavour. For 50 bucks a cut, we expected decent, juicy steaks, but were left disappointed. We also felt the sauce the steaks came with were out of place; wouldn't it have been better served au jus rather than with a creamy sauce that will drown out the natural flavour (or lack of it, in our case) of the meat?

The staff also did not appear to be well-trained; a diner at a table near ours asked the waiter what the difference between two different cuts of meat were and  his answer was 'it's the same to me but one is just more expensive than the other'. What?

We also weren't particularly pleased that the menu stated a service charge of 8% but we weren't charged any. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather not be charged for service, but they should've told us upfront so we could order an extra side or something instead of wasting the rest of the voucher value.

Not a good experience overall. It was a good thing we were eating on vouchers, because I would've popped an artery if I had to fork out full price for such mediocre food. Even for what we paid, we still felt overcharged.

Tax: Menu stated a service charge of 8% but we weren't charged any

How much we paid:  RM60

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