Saturday 18 January 2014

Opika Organic Market & Restaurant, 1 Utama

I thought it'd be nice to start off this blog by featuring something healthy, which is also something I practically never have: organic food.

The deal: RM25 for RM50 cash voucher for food and drinks at Opika Organic Market & Restaurant.

What we got:
 Pumpkin soup (RM9.90)

I've only had pumpkin soup several times in my life, as I have a tendency to order mushroom soup (this being the most common Western-style soup restaurants here normally feature) and wouldn't normally have it unless it comes as part of a set meal, but this came recommended by a friend. 

Hearty and rich in flavour, the soup was delicious. This is definitely something I'd order again.

Quinoa salad (RM17.90)

The picture above was taken from Opika's website, because I'd accidentally deleted the picture I took of my salad. This salad marked my first taste of quinoa--I didn't dislike it, but I didn't love it either. I guess I'd say it's something interesting to try if you haven't yet have it. The avocado and mango layers work to provide a twist to the salad which might have tasted slightly one-dimensional otherwise. The prawns were fresh too.

Confit of free range chicken, raw honeyed mashed sweet potato with pineapple salsa (RM29.90)

I actually asked if they could debone it for me, AND THEY DID. Can I say I'm impressed? I don't believe many restaurants do this ('oh sorry we can't', 'it's served with the bone, miss') so props for them. I tend not to order bone-in meat because I'm not very good at eating them, so I was clearly delighted that they were willing to have it deboned for me. 

The sauce for the chicken tasted somewhat like rendang, which was not too bad although I would've preferred, say, a mushroom sauce. The pineapple salsa was decent, and they were generous--a bit too generous, really--with the mashed sweet potato.

Chicken bolognese (RM19.90)

Again, picture taken from Opika because my partner has already dug into his food because I could snap a picture, but it looked, and tasted, average.

Buttermilk pancake (RM14.90)

Served with caramalised bananas, maple syrup and butter, and came with a cup of tea/coffee.

Soft yet crisp around the edges, with yummy ripe bananas. Our choice of tea instead of coffee, though, came tasting like plain water. 

Others: 2 glasses of filtered water, RM0.50 each.

Tax: Service tax at 6%.

One thing of note at Opika is the very pleasant wait staff. They were friendly and accomodating and overall a joy to interact with. 

How much we paid: RM50

Wednesday 1 January 2014

I love food. Heck, everybody does.

But I also like not paying an arm and a limb for my meals, because I'm stingy thrifty like that. Which is why vouchers are a god-sent.

Say hi to Deal Meals, where I review meals I've had utilising discount vouchers from group-buying sites.